Risk Management in Banks Course
Accounting, Finance and Budgeting Training
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Risk Management in Banks Course
Course Overview:
Risk Management in Banks training is designed to give participants in-depth knowledge of different categories of risks endured by banks such as credit, market, liquidity, operational, and reputational risks. Participants focus on how to perform a functional analysis of a bank's balance sheet, discern balance sheet’s inherent risks, and employ both qualitative and quantitative means of controlling those risks.
Topics such as the Basel III directive, the approaches for the determination of regulatory capital, and liquidity risk of banks and the banking system are also covered. Several of the interviews with CEO's concerning risk management failures and changes in regulation after the financial crisis are analyzed through the examples of specific case studies. In addition, participants will work with such aspects of capital regulation as risk measurement and regulatory capital attribution.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the Risk Management in Banks training Course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the business model of banks in relation to the risks they take
- Identify the key banking risks groups and their relative importance.
- Learn about the qualitative and quantitative tools for measuring and managing financial risk in banks
- Understand the regulation aimed at controlling risk in banks and how it has evolved
- Understand the different methodologies used for regulatory capital and liquidity requirements in banks
Who Should Attend?
The Risk Management in Banks Course is suitable for:
- Risk managers, regulators, internal auditors, bankers and analysts,
- Also appropriate for a broader audience who wish to gain a better understanding of risk management processes within a bank and how they are regulated.
- It is targeted at an intermediate level and assumes a basic understanding of accounting, financial products and banking functions.
Course Outlines:
Risk Management
- Identifying and defining major risk groups and how they arise in the derivatives business: market, credit, liquidity, operational and reputation
- Lessons learned from risk management failures in derivatives
- Exercise: Company failures caused by derivatives
Analytic Overview
- The aim of this section is to introduce the inherent risks of a bank’s balance sheet and the need for capital to cover these risks.
Analyzing Banks
- Why risk is inherent to a bank’s business model and therefore why effective risk management is critical
- The balance sheet of a typical bank
- The importance of capital
Key Risk Areas
- Identifying and defining major risk groups: credit, market, liquidity, operational, legal, regulatory, counterparty and reputation
- Overview of how much risk banks take in each group and the complexity of the risk
Risk Management Failures
- Historical failures in financial institutions
- Lessons from the global financial crisis (GFC)
- Regulatory changes since the GFC
Regulatory Capital in Banks
- Regulatory capital
- Basel and the three pillars
- Overview of minimum capital ratios
- Exercise: Analyzing the Pillar 3 report of a large bank
Market Risk
- This section introduces sources of market risk in the balance sheet and how this risk can be quantified and managed. Finally, the section covers the principles of regulatory capital allocation for market risk.
Definitions and Sources of Market Risk
- Defining market risk
- Exercise: Defining the magnitude of various market risks
Value-at-Risk (VaR)
- Purpose of VaR
- Methodologies for calculating VaR
Regulatory Capital for Market Risk
- Trading book and banking book
- Standardized approach
- Internal models – the use of VaR to define regulatory capital
- Back testing
- Exercise: Market risk disclosures at a global bank
Credit Risk
- Credit risk is possibly the most important risk faced by most commercial banks. This section explains the nature of credit risk, including the relevant products, types of credit risk, quantification and regulatory capital methodologies.
Identifying Credit Risk
- Credit products
- Types of credit risk
Credit Risk Indicators
- Credit ratings
- Credit spreads
Mitigating Credit Risk
- Contractual mitigates
- Securitization and credit derivatives
- Exercise: Credit portfolio management in a global bank
Quantifying Credit Risk
- Default probability
- Loss given default (LGD) and recovery
- Default correlation
Regulatory Capital for Credit Risk
- Standardized risk weights
- Exposure at default methodologies
- Internal rating based (IRB) approach
- Exercise: Cost of credit
Counterparty Risk
- Counterparty risk has grown in significance in recent years. It represents a combination of market and credit risk and is related mainly to OTC derivatives transactions. This section explains the nature of counterparty risk, risk mitigation and how regulatory capital methodologies for credit risk incorporate counterparty risk.
Defining Counterparty Risk
- Settlement and pre-settlement (counterparty) risk
- The derivatives market
- Risk mitigates for counterparty risk
Quantifying Counterparty Credit Exposure
- Potential future exposure
- Monte Carlo simulation and add-on approaches
- Wrong-way risk
Regulatory Capital for Counterparty Risk
- Default risk and CVA capital charges
- Current exposures and internal model methods
- Changes in methodologies and impact of central clearing
Operational Risk
- Operational risk was a new risk to be quantified under Basel II, and occurs throughout a bank’s business model. This section aims to explore some of the challenges that face banks in controlling, quantifying and allocating regulatory capital to operational risk.
Defining Operational Risk
- Sources, categorization and drivers of operational risk
- Exercise: Operational risk examples
- Causes of operational risk in a bank
Legal and Reputational Risks
- Examples of reputational problems
- Suitability issues and derivatives
- Exercise: Matching risk to description
Regulatory Capital for Operational Risk
- Basic indicator approach
- Standardized approach
- Advanced measurement approach (AMA)
- Basel III new Operational Risk Standardized Approach
Liquidity Risk
- Liquidity risk can be the most acute form of risk facing a financial institution at times of crisis as this is often the means by which providers of bank funding express dissatisfaction with management of other risks (e.g. credit risk). The aim of this section is to explore types of liquidity risk, how these risks are managed and the regulatory requirements faced by banks.
Nature of liquidity risk
- Definition
- Cause of liquidity risk in banks
- Historical liquidity risk in problems
Liquidity Risk in Financial Institutions
- Sources of liquidity in banks
- Exercise: Bank funding sources
- Nature of liquidity risk
Liquidity Risk Regulation
- Basel principles for the management and supervision of liquidity risk
- Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)
- Net stable funding ration (NSFR)
- Exercise: NSFR in practice
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