Industrial Power System Management Course
Electrical and Power Engineering

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Industrial Power System Management Course
This course provides an overview of industrial measurement and control. Technicians, engineers, and managers are provided with fundamentals to more effectively communicate with other control system professionals. This course teaches a systematic approach to troubleshooting and start-up as they apply to single and multi-loop control loops. Covers how pressure, level, flow, and temperature loops operate to maintain good process control systems..
Course Objectives:
Participant will be able to:
- Communicate the latest trends in measurement and control
- Understand the role of measurement and control in industrial processes
- Compare continuous, batch, and discrete control and how they are used in industry
- Interpret measurement and control terminology
- Compare the methods and devices used in temperature, pressure, level, flow measurement
- Understand the operation and components of a feedback control loop
- Understand the fundamental concepts of controller tuning
Who Should Attend?
This Intensive five-day instructional program covering the educational needs of Instrumentation and Control Engineers & Technicians, Plant Operators, Operation Engineers, Process and Utility Supervisors, and Technical Supervisory personnel involved in Industrial Process Measurement and Control. No specific prerequisite training or experience required for registration.
Course Outlines:
Process Control Concepts:
- Continuous,
- Batch,
- Discrete Control,
- The Role of Measurement and Control in Industry,
- Graphic Description of Loop Components,
- Component Loop Dynamics
Industrial Measurement Systems:
- Overview,
- Sensor Selection and Characteristics,
- Transmitters,
- Smart Transmitters
Pressure Measurements:
- Concepts,
- Instruments,
- Differential Pressure Measurement
Level Measurement:
- Concepts,
- Hydrostatic Head Level Measurement,
- Capacitance Level Measurement,
- Ultrasonic Level Measurement,
- by Weight
Flow Measurement:
- Fluid Fundamentals,
- Methods and Concepts,
- Differential Head Flow Measurement,
- Velocity Flow Measurement Devices,
- Mass Flowmeters
Temperature Measurement:
- Concepts,
- Thermometers,
- Thermocouples,
- RTDs & Thermistors,
- Temperature Transmitters
Industrial Process Control:
- Basic Feedback Control,
- Components,
- PID Control,
- Final Control Elements,
- Tuning Concepts
Trends in Control Technologies:
- Smart Components,
- Fieldbus.
Approaches to Troubleshooting:
- Purpose of Troubleshooting,
- Reasons for Troubleshooting Equipment History,
- Input/Output (Serial) | Shotgun Approach,
- Logical Analysis
Logical Analysis Troubleshooting:
- Verify, Identify, Repair and Test.
- Follow-up on Problems
Single-Loop Feedback Control Troubleshooting:
- Measurement Concerns,
- Controller Operations,
- Signal Conditioners,
- Troubleshooting Simulation
Multi-Loop Control Systems Troubleshooting:
- Ratio (Two Controlled Streams, Wild Stream),
- Cascade,
- Three-Element Control,
- Troubleshooting Simulation
Introduction to Digital Control Systems:
- Advantages,
- Digital Control (DDC),
- Supervisory DC,
- Supervisory Plus DDC,
- Analog Back-up
Distributed Control Functions for Troubleshooting:
- Elements,
- Displays (Graphic, Trend, Alarm)
Start-up Concerns:
- Safety, Documentation, and tuning Review