HV Overhead Power Line Construction, Maintenance and Patrolling and Power Transmission Distribution Course
Electrical and Power Engineering

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HV Overhead Power Line Construction, Maintenance and Patrolling and Power Transmission Distribution Course
Course Overview:
This course focuses on electrical and mechanical engineering and it covers aspects such as the electrical engineering part of the OHTL systems, designing materials and implementing safety guidelines. core concepts discussed include overhead line components such as conductors, insulators, poles and towers, troubleshooting, fault repairs and condition monitoring.
The course also covers advanced topics such as corona effects, current carrying capacity, live line maintenance, and use of UV cameras and helicopters for inspection purposes.
The course is tailored for engineers, technicians and maintenance staff as it enables OHTL systems reliability, safety and efficiency.
Course Objectives:
At the completion of the course, participants are expected to have gained knowledge and experience on selection, installation, operation, maintenance, construction, patrolling, and monitoring of the overhead line.
Who Should Attend?
This course will benefit those people involved in the design, installation, and maintenance of transmission lines. This includes Transmission line design engineers, Structural engineers Consulting engineers, Design, and drafting technicians.
Course Outlines:
Introduction of Overhead Conductors
- Power System Overview
- Electric-power transmission
- Overhead Line Foundations and Specification
- Overview of Overhead Transmission and Distribution Line Network
- Overhead Lines versus Underground Cable
- Substation Types
- Substation function
Overhead Transmission Lines Theory and Design
- Overhead Lines resistance, inductance, and stray capacitance
- Electrical and Mechanical Design of Overhead Transmission Line
- Classification of Overhead power transmission lines by operating voltage
- Bundle conductors and Skin effect
- Ground wires
- Single and double circuit lines
- Corona theory, corona effects on transmission lines, and methods to reduce corona effects
- Choice of transmission voltage
- Conductor and earth wire spacing and clearances
- Size of lugs
- Conductor sizes
- Arcing horns
- Illustrating two voltage level circuits on the same pole
Materials of Overhead conductors
- Aluminum conductor steel-reinforced transmission lines( ACSR)
- The difference between ACSR, AAC and AAAC Conductors
- Insulators of overhead transmission lines (Disc type, Long rod type. Pin type and Post type)
- Conductor Arrangements for Different ACSR Combinations
- Comparison of aluminum and copper power cables for use in industrial installations
- Vibration and corrosion
- Environmental effect
- Overhead Transmission Line Insulators
- Overhead line insulators types and material
- Other relevant standards
- Testing of O.H.T.L. insulators according to IEC and B.S.
- Condition monitoring of overhead transmission lines insulators
- Troubleshooting and maintenance of overhead transmission line insulators
- Grading requirements and string efficiency
- Handling requirements
- Vandalism
- construction of polymer insulators for overhead lines
- Pollution measurements of HVTL insulators
Poles and Towers of Overhead Transmission Lines
- Support Structures
- Types of supports
- Steel Lattice Towers
- Wooden Poles
- Towers
- Maximum sag and tension with supports
- Static VAR Sources (SVS)
- Transposition towers and tension towers
- Maintenance of Overhead Transmission Lines
- Tools & Equipment used in Maintenance of Overhead Line and explain its step by step procedure
- Live line insulator washing procedures for MV and HV power lines
- Troubleshoot the overhead lines and know how to narrow down the possible causes or locations problems
- Maintenance of distribution overhead line
- Regularly scheduled inspection, testing and servicing of equipment
- Fault Repairs
- Live line insulator washing
- Insulators replacement
- live-line working is the maintenance of HVTLS
Overhead Transmission Line Safety
- basic procedures for safety during maintenance
- personal protective equipment
- Temporary grounding connection
- Tower grounding and measurement of earth resistance
- Use of area under overhead power lines
- Maximum Current Carrying Capacity of OHTL
- Power Carrying Capacity
- Insulated conductors (Thermoplastic materials, Thermoset materials)
- Current carrying capacity of ASCR conductors tables
- Short circuit current of OHTL
- OHTL losses
- Patrolling of HVTLS
- Live line insulator washing procedures for MV and HV power lines
- Thermal Problem Classification Chart
- Use of UV cameras for the identification of problems on overhead lines and associated fittings
- Washing of OHTL insulators by helicopter
- General guidelines for water pressure washing
- Portable handheld resistivity meter
- Wet and dry flashover values
- Experiences on Live Line Working
- Use of area under overhead power lines
Maximum Current Carrying Capacity of OHTL
- Power Carrying Capacity
- Insulated conductors (Thermoplastic materials, Thermoset materials)
- Current carrying capacity of ASCR conductors tables
- Short circuit current of OHTL
- OHTL losses
Patrolling of HVTLS
- Live line insulator washing procedures for MV and HV power lines
- Thermal Problem Classification Chart
- Use of UV cameras for the identification of problems on overhead lines and associated fittings
- Washing of OHTL insulators by helicopter
- General guidelines for water pressure washing
- Portable handheld resistivity meter
- Wet and dry flashover values
- Experiences on Live Line Working