High Voltage Switching Safety, Operations and Maintenance Course
Electrical and Power Engineering

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High Voltage Switching Safety, Operations and Maintenance Course
Course Overview:
This program imparts required theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills to operate high voltage electrical equipment with proper earthing.
All learners will know how to recognize safe and unsafe environments, know about the documentation concerning the Occupational Safety Acts, as well as conduct live chamber and limited access operations.
The course particulars bring out very essential components of safe working practices together with earthing of equipment, work permit systems, and the role of designated operators and responsible persons.
This course is intended for engineers, technicians, electricians, and operators in charge of hazardous environments and it ensures that the regulations are respected while improving the safety and efficacy of work activities. Also, applied techniques like first aid and resuscitation are taught.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate approved ways of operating and earthing high voltage equipment to ensure the safety of personnel at all times
- Identify safe and unsafe working conditions
- Identify requirements for a responsible person or appointed operator
- Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the documentation required for Occupational Safety Acts
- Perform live chamber and limited access procedures
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for all Design Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Electrical Technicians, Electrical Tradespersons, Electricians, Field Technicians, Instrumentation Engineers, Plant Operators, Project Engineers, and Staff visiting or working in hazardous areas.
Course Outlines:
- The requirements of a typical safety act with reference to employer and employee
- Definitions
- Defining terminology commonly used in the safe operating and earthing of high voltage electrical installations
- Fundamental principles
- Purpose of the regulations and the principles on which they are based; dangers of electricity
- Isolation
- Alive, dead, and isolate; breakers, links, and switches
- Locking of links
- Indoor and outdoor switchgear
Reason for earthing
- Dead, earthing, characteristics of a safe earth connection
- Dangers of inadequate earth connections
- Alive, accidental livening of apparatus, livening by induction charges of isolated apparatus, residual voltage reasons for earthing
Making feeders and apparatus safe to work on
- Safety testing warning notices, minimum earthing requirements, additional earth, portable earth, work on lines, work on cable feeders, indoor and outdoor switchgear (control panel labels)
The work permit system
- The work permit forms
- Purpose of the forms, application and clearance, circumstances when a permit is required, forms in duplicate, application and permit, workman’s declaration, clearance, duration of a permit, extending of permits, canceling of permits
Live chambers and prohibited areas
- Live chamber, prohibited area, locking, unrestricted access, access by other people
- Keeping and issuing of keys, the responsibility of key holders
- Surrender or loss of keys
Abnormal condition
- Apparatus not yet connected to the system
- Testing of equipment
Appointed operator and the responsible person
- Duties and responsibilities of appointed operator, responsible person
- Duties and responsibilities of the responsible person
Local regulations and instructions
- Abnormal circumstances requiring localized operating procedures
- ❖ Electrical machinery regulations
- Electrical machinery regulations and requirements of employers and employees
- Minimum clearances
Electrical installation regulations
- Electrical installation regulations and requirements of employers and employees
- First aid and artificial resuscitation
- Basic first aid and electrical resuscitation for victims of electrical shock