Electrical Energy Essentials Training Course
Electrical and Power Engineering

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Electrical Energy Essentials Training Course
Course Overview:
This course contains details linked to the generation, transmission, distribution, and end-use of electrical energy. Participants will delve into energy management systems, power control of the system, and lines and cables representation.
The material introduced covers substations, transformers, protective devices, renewable energy, and electric economy. Enhanced practical knowledge about the system is achieved through case studies, thus allowing the participants to, at least to a certain extent, understand practical implementation.
This course is targeted to operators, engineers, and supervisory staff as well as specialists dealing with the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment, as it will deliver sufficient knowledge required to operate and manage power systems in an efficient and safe manner while being able to keep up with the development of the future energy systems.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
· Understand power system analysis
· Gain knowledge of the generation of electric energy
· Understand the transmission of electrical energy
· Gain thorough an understanding of the energy management systems.
· Understand the representation of lines and cables
· Apply and gain basic knowledge in electrical engineering
· Define electricity, AC, and DC and discuss electrical equipment and instrumentation
· Employ electrical drawings & documentation in accordance with electrical standards
· Identify power generation and transmission lines
· Recognize the importance and functions of substations such as substation equipment, transformers, regulators, circuit breakers, lightning arresters, reactors, etc.
· Apply the distribution methodology in distribution systems, transformer connections, fuses and cutouts, riser or dip pole, and underground service
· Implement power consumption and power system protection
· Discuss interconnected power systems as well as power system control centers & telecommunications
· Employ electrical safety and maintain personal protection
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for Operators, Engineers, Managers, and Supervisors, who work in the operation, maintenance, protection, control, and safety of any electric equipment. Also, this course is essential for those who would like to gain a good understanding of the basic principles of electricity and the fundamentals of electrical engineering such as plant engineers, maintenance engineers, technicians, facilities managers, and other facility professionals.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to Power System Analysis
- General characteristics of power systems
- Phasor, Equivalent line-to-neutral diagrams
- Power in three-phase circuits
- Per unit normalization, Power system structure
- The Generation of Electric Energy
- Thermal power plants,
- Nuclear power plants
- Renewable energy,
- The synchronous machine
- The Transmission of Electric Energy
- Transmission and Distribution network
- Network structures
- Substations
- Protection of transmission and distribution networks
- Transformers
- The Utilization of Electric Energy
- Types of load
- Classification of grid users
- Power System Control, Basics of power system control
- Active power and frequency control
- Voltage control and reactive power
- Control of transported power
- Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)
- Energy Management Systems
- Load flow or power flow computation
- Optimal power flow
- State estimator
- Electricity Markets
- Electricity market structure
- Future Power Systems
- Renewable energy
- Decentralized or distributed generation,
- Power-electronic interfaces
- Energy storage
- Blackouts and chaotic phenomena
- The representation of lines and cables
- The long transmission line,
- The medium-length transmission line
- The short transmission line
- Comparison of the three line models
- The underground cable
- Case Studies