Batteries and UPS: Design, Operations and Troubleshooting Course
Electrical and Power Engineering
-Maintenance, Reliability and Rotating Equipment

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Batteries and UPS: Design, Operations and Troubleshooting Course
Course Overview:
The focus of this course is the understanding of Batteries and Uninterruptable Power Supply Systems, their relevance and necessity in providing the required power to the load.
The participants will comprehend how to specify and construct proper UPS systems, comprehend the role of batteries, and set up emergency generators.
The program includes information on UPS configuration and types, safety and maintenance of batteries, generator types, and compatibility and battery management systems.
The course is addressed to electrical engineers, technicians and maintenance personnel and the aim is to train them on how to assess and maintain and optimize supply systems of power. Practical knowledge and case studies enhance the learning outcomes for practical aspects.
Course Objectives:
Upon the successful completion of this course, each participant will be able to:-
- To present and appreciate the concept of Batteries & UPS and the types of “Critical loads” which need a Batteries & UPS supply.
- To assist the practicing engineer in selecting suitable Batteries & UPS the various factors, which affect the selection of a suitable UPS, are discussed in detail.
- To discuss the selection of a suitable Batteries & UPS configuration and its impact on the reliability of the system.
- Understand the importance of UPS
- Design the correct type of UPS system
- Analyze the characteristics of batteries
- Understand the role of the standby generator
Who Should Attend?
Electrical Engineers and technicians should benefit from this course. Electrical Engineers Involved in writing specifications and evaluating submitted tenders by UPS supplies should find this course quite beneficial to their professional performance. Also practicing engineers should find this course quite helpful and useful.
Personnel who should attend are:
- Electrical engineers
- Maintenance technicians
- Electrical supervisors
- Engineering professionals
- Project engineers
Course Outlines:
Introduction to Resilient Systems
- UPS power sources and regulations
- Critical loads and equipment categories
- Power quality and mains failure
- Standby generator set characteristics
- Generator sizing and compatibility
- Protection devices and switches
- UPS or generator
Static UPS
- Characteristics of online and offline UPS
- Double conversion UPS
- Delta conversion UPS
- Transformer based and transformer less UPS
- UPS operation modes
- UPS components functionality and filters
- UPS rating and power factor
- Parallel systems and redundancy
Rotary UPS and Maintenance
- Components of diesel rotating UPS or DRUPS
- Operations of DRUPS
- Types and configuration of DRUPS
- Commercial static UPS and operation modes
- UPS maintenance
- Generator maintenance
- Generator size considerations
- New generation standby generator set
Batteries Types and Chargers
- Lead-acid battery characteristics
- Nickel-cadmium battery characteristics
- Storage and care of batteries
- Choosing battery size and location
- Charging methods and type of chargers
- Battery care
- Battery safety
- Battery maintenance
Battery Monitoring System and Preventive Maintenance
- Merits of the battery monitoring system
- Battery monitoring system architecture
- Condition monitoring for UPS system
- UPS safety and hazards
- Harmonics
- UPS glossary
- Case study