Awareness in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Course
Electrical and Power Engineering

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Awareness in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Course
Course Overview:
This course is an introductory SCADA course that aims to touch on the elements of SCADA architecture, communication protocols and the working aspects of a SCADA system.
SCADA system components such as master terminal units (MTUs) and remote terminal units (RTUs) and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) will be discussed in addition to real time operational needs and system scanning intervals. Some of the topics in the course include DNP-3, TCP/IP, industrial Ethernet, fieldbuses and wireless networks.
As such, it targets students in the fields of Instrument, Automation, Electrical, Technicians, supervisory and managerial personnel, it prepares employees in various industrial applications to comprehend SCADA systems and effectively deploy them.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the operation of a SCADA system and construct a block diagram.
- Describe historical events leading up to the development of a full blown supervisory control and data acquisition system.
- Describe the function of a master terminal unit
- Describe the function of a remote terminal unit
- Describe a PLC and its location within a SCADA system
- Describe what is meant by the term “real-time”
- What is meant by scanning time in a SCADA system
- Calculate the scan interval for an installed SCADA system
- Calculate the data rate for an installed SCADA system.
- Describe the DNP-3 protocol
- Describe the SCADA system architecture
- Describe TCP/IP
- Describe PLC/DCS/SCADA architectures
- Select software as “proprietary” or “open” for a particular SCADA system application.
- Describe local area networks (LANs), Ethernet and Fieldbuses
- Describe wireless networks and types of communication
Who Should Attend?
This short course is aimed at the instrument technician and the automation technician. It is especially suitable as a bridging course for technicians wishing to qualify as automation technicians. The electrical technician will also find this course suitable as an enhancement to his career. Mechanical, supervisory and management staff will also find this very useful as they have a “need to know” in carrying out their duties.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to SCADA and remote control
- The SCADA as a “two-way” system
- Real-time systems
- Scanning time of an installed SCADA system
- SCADA communications and DNP-3
- Transmission control protocol (TCP/IP)
- SCADA systems architecture
- PLC/DCS/SCADA architecture
- Advantage and disadvantages of each type of architecture
- The computer/intelligent electronic device (IED) architecture
- SCADA software, proprietary or open?
- Local area networks (LANS)
- The industrial Ethernet
- An introduction to Fieldbuses
- Wireless networks